Wills & Future Planning


A Will is simply a way of ensuring that everything that you own passes upon your death to the person of your choice. If you do not make a Will there are various legal rules that automatically determine who receives your estate, and these will not necessarily reflect your wishes.  We have the experience to help you make a Will which enables your intended beneficiaries to be properly provided for, advise on any claim that can be made against your estate, and also how any liability to inheritance tax can be minimised or avoided.


The death of a family member is inevitably a very difficult time for all concerned, and having to deal with the winding up of their affairs only adds to the stress involved. It is usually necessary for the person appointed under a Will to apply to the courts before they can act with legal authority and deal with the deceased person’s estate. If there is no Will, additional legal formalities may also be involved. We have the necessary expertise to guide you through this often complex and potentially confusing procedure.


If a person loses the required mental capacity, or lacks sufficient mental capacity from the outset, the only way in which proper legal authority to administer their affairs may be conferred is often by the appointment of a Financial and / or Welfare Guardian. We are able to guide a prospective guardian through this procedure and process, to ensure that everything proceeds smoothly and that all necessary aspects are dealt with as and when they arise

Power of Attorney

A power of attorney is simply a legal document by which you authorise someone else to make decisions on your behalf. The most common use of a power of attorney is to appoint someone to manage your affairs in the event that, in the future, you become incapable of doing so personally. We have the necessary expertise to advise on making a power of attorney and to advise on prospective or already appointed persons regarding their duties and powers.

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